Capricho No. 7: Ni así la distingue (Even thus he cannot make her out)
Capricho No. 8: ¡Que se la llevaron! (So they carried her off!)
Capricho No. 9: Tántalo (Tantalus)
Capricho No. 10: El amor y la muerte (Love and death)
Capricho No. 16: Dios la perdone: y era su madre (For Heaven's sake: and it was her mother)
Capricho No. 31: Ruega por ella (She prays for her)
Capricho No. 32: Porque fue sensible (Because she was susceptible)
Capricho No. 36: Mala noche (A bad night)
Capricho No. 43: El sueño de la razón produce monstruos (The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters)
Capricho No. 44: Hilan delgado (They spin finely)
Capricho No. 61: Volavérunt (They have flown)